Against the Grain

Slightly more than just jibba jabba

Heroes Episode 21 “The Hard Part”

Posted by Patrick on 6 May 2007

I was going to post about next Monday’s episode earlier this week, but honestly the number of people who are emailing me about it nowadays is getting to be ridiculous, so I’m just going to continue for the last 3 episodes and post on Sunday before air.

The storyline in episode 21 picks up right where episode 20 left off. I thought this was a great episode, on par with the better ones in this season, and it sets up nicely for the last 3 hours of the season (episode 23 is a 2hr. special). In ep. 21, we get to see some new things, and we learn a good bit about how some things got to be the way they are. Without spoiling the story, that’s the limit of where I think I can go describing it.

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